
The undertakings of CLASSY support essential pillars for Europe`s future, such as renewability, sustainability, zero waste emissions and energy efficiency. Through its progress it also contributes to the competitiveness of Europe’s chemical industry, one of the EU’s most international, competitive and successful sectors, embracing a wide field of processing and manufacturing activities.

Read about how CLASSY made an impact:

CLASSY News & events

CLASSY PhD student awarded Scholarship Fund of the Swiss Chemical Industry (SSCI)

PhD student Alena Budinska was recently awarded a scholarship that supports her research on ”Stereoselective Organocatalytic α-​Alkylation of Aldehydes’’ as part of Prof. Helma Wennemers group at ETH Zürich, and through which she contributes to the CLASSY project. The Scholarship Fund of the Swiss Chemical Industry (SSCI) is a joint initiative of ETH Zürich with

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New CLASSY publication in PNAS

Exciting news from Andrés de la Escosura’s team at UAM and Gonen Ashkenasy’s team at BGU: their first CLASSY results have just been published in PNAS. Getting one step further towards understanding the processes at the origin of life, the published results reveal a successful attempt at replicating simple nucleopeptide chimeras. The authors identified mechanisms

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First CLASSY review meeting successfully held online

The COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting the work of our CLASSY partners throughout the year, with periods of complete lab closures or limited access to analytical facilities. Nonetheless, most research progress is well on track and a successful review meeting was held online today with the REA Project Officer and external expert reviewers. The meeting

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New CLASSY conference presentations

Our partners are making the most of the virtual conference opportunities, with several posters already presented earlier this year and more to come in the next weeks and months. Find all of the latest CLASSY results on our dedicated page, here.

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First CLASSY publication is out

We are happy to announce that after just about half a year from the project start, the first results of the CLASSY project are now available from the Wennemers team at ETH. Read all about the latest developments in organocatalysis in: Jasper S. Möhler, Tobias Schnitzer, Helma Wennemers. Amine Catalysis with Substrates Bearing N-Heterocyclic Moieties

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CLASSY: what does the origin of life have to do with modern industry?

​Where, how and when did life originate? Or, more simply put, Where do we come from? Molecular synthesis, the series of reaction processes needed to build the simplest components of life, is at the basis of life itself. Yet, we still don’t know what type of reactions were responsible for the genesis of life’s first

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